St. Mark's Surname Index, Glynn Co., Georgia

St. Mark's Surname Index Vol. 3
1895 to 1924

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Aiken Downing Johns Prouty
Alvis Doyle Johnson Purcell
Ames Drayton Joiner
Andersen Drury Jones Quigley
Anderson Du Bignon
Arant Dunn Kay Raffo
Arnett Dunwody Kearns Ralston
Arnott Dunwoody Keellam Rawls
Atkinson Keen Raymond
Auros Earl Kellam Reaney
Earle Kellem Rede
Bacon Edenfield Kenner Reese
Bailey Edmunds Kerns Register
Baker Egleston King Reid
Ball Elliot Knibb Rhett
Ballard Elliott Krauss Rhodes
Banks Ellis Rice
Barfield Emannuel Laird Risk
Barge Emanuel Lambright Roberts
Barkaloo Emmanuel Lancaster Robinson
Barkuloo Englebrethson Landreth Rohrbach
Barnwell English Lane Roquet
Baumgardner Euych Lang Rose
Baumgartner Everett Langdon Rowe
Beach Lavardas Russell
Bealey Farmer Leavy
Beam Farr Lee Scaffuroe
Bean Felton Lehman Schuyler
Beattie Finke Leman Scott
Bell Fitzgerald Lemming Screven
Billington Flanders Lennig Shadman
Birch Fleming Leopold Sheffield
Bishop Floyd Leviston Shelley
Black Foreman Liles Shelly
Blain Forsythe Lindford Sherwood
Bohne Foussard Livingston Shipman
Bolding Fraser Loback Shiver
Bolton French Lucas Simpson
Bostwick Frink Lundin Sinclair
Boyd Fullen Lytle Skiles
Boyle Fuller Slappey
Brackston Futch Mabry Slaughter
Bradham Macphearson Slvan
Branham Gale Macpherson Smith
Briesenick Galusha Maddison Spivey
Briesnick Garfield Mallard Stafford
Brieswick Garvin Mancer Stark
Brobston Gassil Manoe Stearns
Brockington Gates Marlin Stephens
Brooks Gautier Martin Sterne
Brown Gavares Mason Stevens
Browne Geilow Matthews Stewart
Broxton Geolo Maxey Stiles
Bruand Geolow McCardel Stillwell
Buckwold George McClendon Storm
Bunting Gibbs McCrary Stowe
Burbank Gilford McCullough Strachan
Burbanks Gilfred McDonald Strain
Burden Gill McElroy Strait
Burford Gillican McGinnis Sullen
Burkhimer Glover McGregor Surrency
Burnett Gogarty McIntosh Sutlin
Burney Goldsmith McKenzie Symmes
Burns Goldwire McKinnon Symons
Burroughs Goniss McLaughlin
Burrows Goodwin McMichael Tabbot
Butts Gordon McNab Tabbott
Gosch McPherson Tarilton
Calvin Gould McRae Taylor
Camman Gragg Meader Tharin
Capp Gramling Melcher Thiot
Cargyle Grammling Metts Thomas
Carruthers Grawling Metz Thornton
Caruthers Greeley Michaelis Thorpe
Cassidy Green Miller Thurlin
Cassil Greene Mitchell Tilly
Chandler Greenfield Montgomerie Tison
Church Greenlea Montrose Tombs
Churchill Greenwood Moody Torkalson
Clark Greet Moore Torkelson
Cleaver Gregg Morgan Torras
Clifton Griffeth Morton Townsend
Cline Griffith Travis
Coates Nail Trimble
Cole Habersham Nelson Troup
Coles Hackett Nightengale Tupper
Colesberry Hagan Nightingale
Coney Hall Niichos Unrich
Conoley Halverson Noalles Utts
Conolly Hammond Noiss
Cooper Harby Van Daly
Cosby Hardcastle Oberlerter Von Weller
Coulliette Harris Olsen
Couper Harrison Osborn Waff
Courier Haver Osborne Walker
Courlas Hawkins Otto Wallens
Courvoisier Hazlehurst Walsh
Cowart Heins Pace Walters
Cowman Highsmith Paleveda Warnke
Cox Hinds Palmer Watkins
Crichton Hine Parker Watson
Crofton Hines Parsons Webster
Crovat Hitch Pearson Wells
Crovatt Hobbs Peddicord Wenty
Cuger Hodges Peerson Wenz
Hodgson Penniman West
Dall Holcomb Perdicoulis White
Dart Holmes Perdiculos Whitfield
Davenport Holtzendorf Perkins Whitmire
Davis Holzendorf Person Wiggins
Davison Hoodenpyle Persons Wilder
De Man Hope Peters Willets
De Sanssure Hopkins Phelps Williams
De Voe Hopper Phillips Wilson
Deaver Hotte Plakaris Wimberly
Deiter Houseman Pliglet Wood
Deming Howard Popwell Woodbridge
Demoplis Hughes Porter Woodcock
Dent Hunter Portoulas Woodriff
Devaris Portulas Wrench
Dexter Ingram Postell Wright
Dill Postelle Wrye
Dillon Jackson Poulson Wylly
Dixon Jenkins Powell
Doerflinger Jennings Pratt Young
Donkas Joerger Price Younger


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