Glynn Co., Georgia Deed Book H

Index to Book G Glynn County Deeds

Only those named within the instruments are indexed.  Witnesses & Clerks
are not indexed as their name's appear on every other page.

Abraham [enslaved McLeod] 518  519 
Allick [enslaved] 108
Barbara [enslaved McLeod] 518  519 
Bellue [enslaved] 305  306
Bob [enslaved] 107  196  197
Celia [enslaved] 305  306
Charlotte [enslaved] 305  306  518  519 
Charlotte [enslaved McLeod] 518  519 
Darcus [enslaved McLeod] 518  519 
Dick [enslaved] 108
Esther [enslaved] 108
Harriett [enslaved McLeod] 518  519 
Jack [enslaved] 305  306
Joe [enslaved] 108
John [enslaved] 108
March [enslaved McLeod] 518  519 
Maria [enslaved] 108
Patty [enslaved McLeod] 518  519 
Peg [enslaved] 108
Samson [enslaved McLeod] 518  519 
Simon [enslaved McLeod] 518  519 
Tom [enslaved] 305  306
Venus [enslaved] 196  197
Yellow Jim [ensalved] 108
ABRAHAMS, Isaac 197
ARMSTRONG, Thomas 108
ATWOOD, Henry 466
BURNETT, John Jr. 462  519 
BUTLER, Major [Pierce] 196
CARTER, Matthew 306
CLARK, John [governor] 466
DOUD, Amasa 196  197
GOANTHAN?, John 107
GRAVES, lands 463
HAND, Bayard E. 462
HORNSBY, John 463  464
HUSTON, William 465
KEMP, John 306
KENNEDY, James 2
KING, Barrington 462
KING, Roswell Jr. 462
LEVINSON, Magney[?] 197
MASSY[?], James 465
MAY, Thomas 2
McINTOSH, Hamden [Hampton] 305  306
McINTOSH, Henry 107
McINTOSH, Lachlan (General) 306
McLEOD, Eliza L. 519 
McLEOD, John William 518  519 
McKEY, Moses 306
MIDDLETON, lands 463
MILLEDGE, John 1  2
MOORE, Jacob 197
MOORE, James 2  518  519 
MOORE, William 519 
MORGAN, John 197
PAGE, William 196
PALMER, Martin 1  2  107  196  197
PARROTT, Elizabeth 107
PARROTT, Thomas 107
PAYNE, Robert 197
PENTON, David 466
POWELL, James 305  306
RUDOLPH, [Michael] 1  2
SNEAD, John G. 305
STREET, George 305  306  463  464  465
WALLACE, James 462
WYLLY, Alexander C. 108
YEAMANS, Elizabeth 465  466
YEAMANS, Frederick 465  466



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