Glynn Academy's Monthly Magazine Athletics Glynn Co., Georgia

pgs. 53 to 56


pg. 53


     The past athletic season opened with the organization of the basketball team.  Numerous candidates came out to battle for the eight positions that were to compose the team.  After several weeks of constant practice and hard training, Coach Highsmith selected the first five along with three substitutes, and the basketball season began in earnest.  Perfecting the five-man defense, displaying brilliant pass-work, and team-play, the locals became an organization that other high school quintets in this section found hard to compete with.  A review of the record made by the locals the past season--fourteen won, none lost, and the splendid average of 1,000 per cent, indicates that there can be no doubt as to the validity of their claim to the Southeastern Championship of Georgia.
     With the closing of the basketball season, an attempt was made to organize track work.  There are many essentials in the development of a track team.  Constant practice, hard training, and certain precautionary measures are very necessary, if one would hope to win honors in this athletic department.  We are very sorry to say that Glynn Academy students did not display the same spirit and determination which is necessary for a splendid track team.  With ample time for preparation to enter the district meet with splendid material, Mr. Eadie urged the boys to work hard.  However, there were but five practices held.  With the coming of High School District Meet, held in Baxley, six unprepared athletes ventured to Baxley to compete with the trained, hardened athletes of the other schools.  Preparedness will make itself known, and Glynn Academy suffered a very disastrous defeat at the hands of the other schools, when she could have had a well-trained team that could have held its own with any school in the district.  Hugh Aiken, who won second place in the high jump, was the only boy on the team who scored.  However, there is an old adage--"We learn by experience,"--and every boy who attended the meet at Baxley came home with the determination that Glynn High shall be well represented next year.  With the splendid material in the school, and with the proper organization, determination, and school spirit, Glynn Academy should send a winning team next year.


Gene Gignilliat, Capt. (l.g.)
Henry Beach (l.g.)          Frank Vogel (c)
      Alton Burns (r.g)             Doles Wilchar (r.g.)
Substitutes:  Albert Smith, Lee Krauss, Wayne Jones
J.P. Highsmith,

     With the signs of spring, Coach Highsmith issued a call for the many baseball candidates.  Hard at practice, and under the vigilant eye of "Pop" Highsmith, they soon showed signs of a very promising team.  Again, hearty cooperation could not be developed, and the Glynn Academy baseball team has been disorganized after a series of four games.  The first game, against the "Peskynites," a local amateur team, the high nine lost by the score of 7-6 after a hard and game fight.  The second with the Brunswick Riflemen, was victorious by the overwhelming score of 14-1.  The third against the Savannah nine proved disastrous by the desperately fought score of 7-4.  The last again proved victorious, when the High team triumphed over the Glynn Athletic Association by the score of 8-6.
     In looking back over the year just closing we have much over which to congratulate ourselves, in spite of disappointments.  Our unprecedented success in one department--that of basketball--demonstrates what Glynn can do with organized effort and co-operation.
     With only three of the first basketball squad leaving, and with plenty of fine material to choose from, next year's basketball record should not fall short of this.  And we should come back in the fall with the determination of organizing Glynn Academy in an Athletic Association which will have the membership and hearty co-operation of every student enrolled in the school, so that not only basketball, but every line of athletics will be developed.
     Here's to the season of 1922-23!


     On Saturday, May 6th, the High School baseball nine met the fast pastimers of the rival institution of Savannah High, in which proved to be one of the most thrilling and exciting games that has been played on the local diamond in some time.
     Savannah arrived in Brunswick with the reputation of being one of the fast and most experienced amateur teams in this section of the state, being composed of several of the best prep players in the state.  They were very confident that this years' score would be an exact reproduction of last year's wallop.  But they were, as they ran into a snag and had to fight for everything they gained.
     Brunswick brought first blood, when in the first inning Beach scored on a two-sacker by Levison.  From then on it was nip-and-tuck, each team fighting with every ounce of its energy to go into the lead.  However, when the battle had lulled, Savannah was on the long end of a 7-4 score.
     Fuchs, Savannah High's pitching ace was the choice for the visitors.  Well did he demonstrate that he was a twirler of no mean ability.  At the beginning of the sixth frame, Hayes relieved Fuchs and finished the game.  It must be said of both that they are splendid twirlers, and displayed such control that is rarely found among high school pitchers.  Sutlive was on the receiving end of the visitors, and he demonstrated to the many patrons of baseball present that he could compete with the best of them.  Burns and Levison did the battery work for the locals, and performed very creditably, each working very hard for a victory.  Had the defense remained intact Savannah, no doubt, would have regretted its trip to Brunswick.


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