Georgia State Womans College Valdosta, Lowndes Co., Georgia

G.S.W.C. Seniors
pages 20-25


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The class of '26 feels that with such a mascot as "Sonny" they could not but have a successful year.  If his only qualification were his unfailing good nature, he would be admirably fitted for his position, for he has been known to keep a smiling face even when passed about unceremoniously among the girls, all eager to have possession of him if only for a moment.  Such treatment might well ruin the disposition of one older and more inured to hardship than he, but "Sonny" bears it all with fortitude, and has won the hearts of all the class.  Here's to the mascot of '26!


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A.B. Education
Nashville, Georgia

"He who reigns within himself, and rules his own passions, desires and fears, is more than a king."


Entered 1922.  Sororian Literary Society; Phi Lambda Athletic Association; Y.W.C.A.; Crescendo Music Club '22-'24; Vice President Sophomore Class '23-'24; President Senior Class 2nd Semester "25 & '26; Student Court & Council '25 & '26; Annual Staff '25 & '26; Philharmonic Club '25 & '26; Fine Arts Club '25 & '26.

Here is our highly esteemed class president, and we congratulate ourselves on having her fill the office for the second semester.  She is ever ready to lend a helping hand; is the possessor of a good disposition, and is excelled by none in intellectual ability.  She is a quiet girl, seldom seen on the campus, but one who does her work thoroughly and with understanding.  Through her unassuming manner she has gained the respect of all her classmates.  She carries with her always that smile which characterizes her lovable disposition.  "Seldom gloomy, never sad--says life's too short to be feeling bad."


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Savannah, Georgia

A.B. Education

"And she is wise, if I may judge her,
And fair she is that mine eyes be true,
Therefore she is wise, and fair and true."

Entered 1922.  Sororian Literary Society; Phi Kappa Athletic Assoc.; Y.W.C.A.; Philharmonic Club; Secretary-Treasurer '23 & '24; Vice-Pres. Sock and Buskin Club '23 & '24; Class Play '23 & '24; Inter-Society Debater '23-'24; Capt. Basketball team '22-'26; Secretary Athletic Assoc. '23-'24; Pres. Sororian Literary Society '24-'25; Student Council '24-'25; Student Court & Council '25-'26; Asst. Editor-in-chief "Pine Cone" '25-'26; Pres. Student Govt. '25-'26; Fine Arts Club '25-'26.

The kind reader now turns the pages and discloses our friend and classmate, Frances.  Gracefully built, she is one of those girls who can wear any style and look as if she were a modiste.  Perhaps she acquired her graceful figure through her ability in athletics, for she is a star on the basketball team.  "Laws!" is an expression with which she exhibits her executive ability as president of the Student Govt.  She probably has more engagements at court than any other girl.  She is the possessor of a keen mind and is the winner of many honors.  Frances has yet to be confronted with a situation which she has not met willingly and cheerfully.  She has a new method of absorbing French which is all her own--through tortoise shell glasses.  Best of luck to our all-round student.

Harlem, Montana

A.B. Education

"Real happiness comes only through the conscious pursuit of a worthy purpose."

Entered 1923.  Argonian Literary Society; Phi Kappa Athletic Assoc.; Y.W.C.A.; Philharmonic Club; Pres. Home Ec. Club '25-'26; Class Secretary Treas. '25-'26; Y.W.C.A. Cabinet '25-'26; Art Editor Annual '25-'26; Fine Arts Club.

Eunice, one of those quiet, steady, unassuming girls, comes to us from the University of Montana, and we can truly say that "Another's loss is our gain."  Though not with us for the entire four years, she has made for herself a place in the activities of the class and school.  She ahs also won a place in the hearts of her classmates, who have found her to be a loyal friend, a girl of keen intellect, and lofty ideals.  She is an earnest and efficient worker, a thorough student and a leader in Home Economics and art work.  Eunice is a girl with a big heart--fine and true--one who has found time to play as well as to work, winning for herself a place in basketball.  The class of '26 is glad that she decided to come to us for the completion of her college career.




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Valdosta, Georgia

A.B. Education

"No man has done his duty who has not done his best."

Entered 1922.  Phi Kappa Athletic Assoc.; Asst. Business Manager; "Pine Branch" '22-'23; Property Manager Class Play '23-'24; Sec. Treas. Class '24-'25; Pres. Lowndes County Club '25-'26.

Memories of the college will never cross our minds without the image of Clarice looming up before us--a tireless worker ready at all times to do a kind act for someone else.  Clarice has a quiet dignity all her own.  She is a diligent student, her work being thorough, consistent, and conscientious.  Success is bound to come to a person who has the knowledge of Science which she undoubtedly has.  We know her as one of the shining lights of the class.  A's being her only grade.  Her character and ready fund of knowledge make her an asset to the class.  A girl of affable and engaging personality, loyal to her friends and like by all who know her, we are indeed proud of Clarice, and hope that she will some day reach the star to which her wagon is already hitched.


Savannah, Georgia

A.B. Education

"But the sweetest thing is the clasp of a hand
Of a friend that is tried and true."

Entered 1922.  Sororian Literary Society; Phi Kappa Athletic Assoc.; Y.W.C.A.; Treas. Y.W.C.A. '23-'24; Pres. Y.W.C.A. '25-'26; Sock and Buskin Club '25-'26; Philharmonic Club; Pres. Sophomore Class '23-'24; Class Play '23-'24; Student Council '23-'26; Blue Ridge '22-'25; Inter-Society Debater '24-'25; Phi Kappa Cheer Leader '24-'26; Advertising Manager "Pine Cone."

Margaret is a member of the trio that comes to us from Savannah.  It must be a fine town!  "Fair laughs this girl, the captain of her hopes."  She does not care what happens, everything will come right in the end.  We find her an ideal college girl in class and on the campus.  She has made a splendid record as a student of theory as well as practice; as a college mate, she is all-round; as a friend, she is devoted; as a worker, she is indefatigable.  In class she is alert, although occasionally her attention is sidetracked by an affair of the heart.  Can you hear her?  "All ready!  Fifteen rahs for Phi Kappa!"  Our cheer leader-the peppiest in every game.  We are glad that we have known her, and wish for her the gratification of all her desires--whatever they may be.


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Gordon, Alabama

A.B. Science

"Her ways are the ways of pleasantness."

Entered 1921.  Charter Member Argonian Literary Society; Phi Kappa Athletic Assoc.; Y.W.C.A.; Philharmonic Music Club; Sock and Buskin Club; Class Play '23-'24; Pres. Lowndes Co. Club '24-'25; Pres. Senior Class 1st Semester '25-'26; Sec. Court & Council 1st Semester '25-'26; Assoc. Editor "Pine Cone" '25-'26.

Louise refuses to stay with us for long at a time; we never know where she will be next for although she stays with us in the dormitory sometimes, yet no sooner do we become accustomed to having her with us than she goes to live in town.  Of course living in town has its advantages!  Even when she lives away from the campus, however, she remains the same--interested in all the activities of the class, as willing to assist in any way as when she lived in the dormitory and was our class president.  There is no need to enumerate her activities--look at the list for yourself.  Then add to those listed the activities in which she takes part away from the campus, and the sum total is Louise as we know her--a good friend, student and classmate--a "regular girl."





Unadilla, Georgia

A.B. Education

"For a working dream made good,
For an ideal understood,
For thy Christian Womanhood."

Entered 1920.  Argonian Literary Society; Phi Kappa Athletics Assoc.; Y.W.C.A.; Philharmonic Music Club; Sec. Argonian Literary Society '21-'22; Y.W.C.A. Cabinet '21-'22; Pine Branch Staff '21-'22; Pres. Y.W.C.A. '22-'24; Class Play '23-'24; Pres. Student Govt. Assoc. '23-'24; Student Council '22-'25; Leader Student Volunteer Group '23-'25; Georgia Student Volunteer Union Pres.-elect; Southern Div. of National Y.W.C.A. Council; Council Member Georgia Student Volunteer Union; Member Exec. Council Student Movement; Immediate Advisor Y.W.C.A. '25-'26.

"Better late than never!"  The day that Verna came to class on time we had a holiday, but otherwise she is an excellent student, and she is as sure as the seasons.  Her congenial nature, keen insight, and kindness make us proud of Verna, and her many virtues argue well for her in her future religious activities for which she is so graciously fitted.  In this field she has come to the front by virtue of her Christian character and ability.  A girl loved and admired by all, she is a stronghold of the class, and could never be replaced, for she is thoughtful, steady, dependable and her friends are innumerable.  Her favorite pastime is taking trips to New York, Chicago, and various other places on the Y.W. and Student Volunteer missions.  Her quiet, reserved appearance is but the true covering for the tranquil composure, the confidence and sincerity of the girl underneath.  We predict for Verna a peaceful, happy, and successful career.


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Faceville, Georgia

A.B. Science

"The reason firm, the temperate will,
Endurance, foresight, strength and skill."

Entered 1921.  Charter member Argonian Literary Society; Phi Kappa Athletic Assoc.; Y.W.C.A. Cabinet '22-'23; Treas. Y.W.C.A. '25-'26; Country Store Chairman '22-'23; Basketball Team '21-'23; Business Manager Pine Cone '25-'26.

"Way back in the ages dark, there came to this college a young girl endowed with many talents."  Now after these years of application--though she has been out for two years--we are glad to have her in the class of '26.  She is a "good sport," has never failed us yet, is always ready for anything--the best ever.  Mary is one of those girls who radiate good cheer wherever she goes.  She is a business manager of no mean ability, and in the chemical laboratory she shines.  Her particular hobby is devising short-cut methods to eliminate work.  She plays as hard as she works, and enjoys a real basketball game.  Mary has a mind of her own and is not afraid to express her opinion about anything, but she is very tactful about it.  If she uses the same tact with everyone, she is sure to get what she wishes--be it what it may.




Savannah, Georgia

A.B. Liberal Arts

"Earth seemed more sweet to live upon,
More full of love because of her."

Entered 1922.  Sororian Literary Society; Glee Club; Phi  Kappa Athletic Assoc.; Y.W.C.A.; Philharmonic Club; Sock and Buskin Club '25 & '26; Chairman Program Committee Sororian Literary Society; Sec.-Treas. Class '22 & '23; Inter-Society Debater '22 & '23; Undergraduate Rep. Y.W.C.A. '23 & '24; Pine Branch Staff '23 & '24; Advertising Manager Glee Club '23 & '24; Class Play '23 & '24; Class Pres. '24 & '25; Student Court & Council '24 & '25; Editor-in-chief Pine Branch '24 & '25; Vice-Pres. Glee Club '24 & '25; Pres. Glee Club '25 & '26; Editor-in-chief "Pine Cone" '25 & '26.

Now you have met our efficient Editor-in-Chief of the "Pine Cone."  This is Martha, our steady hard-working student, but one who yet finds time for numerous activities.  If we had more of her kind there would be no need for faculty, for she makes A's rather consistently.  If exceptional ability, thorough training, pleasing personality, and a determination to succeed are worth anything, then we predict for Martha success in her chosen field.  Her talents are so many and varied that we wonder what will become of her, but we are sure that whatever she does will be done well.   She's as deeply versed in Latin and French constructions as in the art of making friends, and is famous for both qualities.  We are glad to call her the songbird of the class for each of the four years.  Best of all, she is tall and well known as the "hero-lover" of all our plays, being the possessor of "burning brown eyes."  We hail her as our Martha.


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