Glynn County, Georgia Mortuary Book C Surnames @

Glynn County, Georgia Mortuary Book -- C Surnames



D Month Year
CADONE Horace 23 October 1900 43y M B American ----- ----- N Gordon consumption none ----- C
CAIN H.B. 24 May 1900 ----- M B American ----- married ----- ----- none ----- C
CAJAN Edward 17 December 1897 28y M W American Druggist single 112 Newcastle morphine poison Alfred Christie remains sent to Wilmington ?? C
CAJORS Robt. Listie 4 September 1897 2y 1m M B American ----- ----- 627 Wolf marasmus G.V. Cate ----- C
CALDWOOD D??? 20 August 1900 76y M W American ----- ----- 709 Howe unknown none ----- C
CALIFF Infant 1 July 1897 9m F B American ----- single cor. ??? & Ellis bronchitis J.B. Davis ----- C
CALLEN John 24 October 1900 61y M B American ----- ----- 7 Bartow st unknown ----- ----- C
CALNAN H. Gerard 9 June 1899 1y 5m M W American ----- ----- C st dysentery Blanton ----- C
CALSEN A.F. 26 June 1902 1y 2m M W American ----- ----- Taylors Mills cerebral congestion A Christie ----- C
CAMERON D.D. d/o 5 June 1892 16d F B American ----- single 124 N Albany trismus nascentium none ----- C
CAMPBELL Buddy 5 December 1890 23y M B American Laborer single 209 S Amherst acute Bright's disease J.A. Dunwody ----- C
CAMPBELL Geo. 16 February 1892 44y M W Ireland Painter married 1604 Gloucester phthisis pulmonales H.M. Branham ----- C
CAMPBELL Guy 17 August 1891 30y M B American ----- single Glynn County gun shot wound A.A. Rowland in abdomen C
CAMPBELL Hester 31 August 1893 30y F B American ----- single 505 N Amherst dysentery C.A. Blain ----- C
CAMPBELL Isaac 5 August 1901 75y M B American Laborer married cor J & Lee old age L.B. Davis ----- C
CAMPBELL J.M. d/o 21 December 1901 ----- F W American ----- ----- 1604 Gloucester stillborn A Christie ----- C
CAMPBELL John  (Mrs.) 18 July 1896 30y F W American ----- married 1604 Gloucester cholera morbus H.M. Branham ----- C
CAMPBELL John G. 13 July 1900 30y M W American ----- ----- Bay st suicide? G.H. Innis? ----- C
CAMPBELL Negro 20 May 1908 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- died in hospital said to have been poisoned D
CAMPBELL Thomas 3 June 1904 2y ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Amherst & Monk st ----- none ----- C
CAMPBELL W.C. 6 October 1890 44y ----- ----- American Carpenter ----- Howe rheumatic fever Hugh Burford complications gastritis, hepatitis softening of stomach C
CANADY Clara 12 December 1893 ----- ----- ----- American ----- ----- ----- stillborn no phsyician ----- C
CANNON E.L. 8 April 1891 36y M B American Laborer single 110 N. Stonewall hydrothorax C.A. Blain ----- C
CANTY Jane 12 January 1893 35y F B American Washerwoman married 525 N Cochran pneumonia J.A. Dunwody ----- C
CANTY W. 17 July 1906 35y M C ----- ----- ----- A & L heart failure G.V. Cate ----- C
CAPERS Richard 25 October 1908 ----- M C ----- ----- ----- ----- consumption J.A. Butts ----- C
CAPERS Tom 2 September 1909 ----- M C ----- ----- ----- ----- unknown no phsyician ----- C
CAPO John d/o 2 November 1891 1y 7m F W American ----- single 418 N Wolf eutero-colitis O.W. Tucker ----- C
CARGYLE Kittie 27 February 1891 46y F B American Seamstress widowed 518 S Cochran ave heart disease A.A. Rowland ----- C
CARGYLE Sarah 11 June 1902 67y F W American Housewife widowed ----- gastro (illegible) A.C. Blain ----- C
CARLOS Hattie Willie 24 December 1892 11m 7 d F B American ----- single 717 S Amherst marasmus L.B. Davis ----- C
CARLSON Alex 7 April 1890 23y ----- W Swedish Seaman single USM Hospital typhoid fever J.A. Dunwody   C
CARPENTER Albert 31 October 1895 55y M B American Laborer married 710 S Amherst consumption none ----- C
CARPENTER Ammoretta 8 February 1896 17y F B American ----- single 710 Amherst acute phthisis A.C. Blain ----- C
CARPENTER Eugenia s/o 23 February 1897 1d M B American ----- single 1st ave premature birth none ----- C
CARR John H. 27 December 1892 8m M B American ----- single 1102 L st pneumonia J.A. Butts ----- C
CARRIE Amos 7 March 1902 19y M C American Laborer single ----- typhoid fever (illegible) G.V. Cate ----- C
CARROLD Colesberry 19 July 1897 30y M Callary American Laborer married G & Stonewall illegible J.A. Younger? ----- C
CARROLL Bonham Hymes 30 June 1893 4m M W American ----- single 1505 Gloucester gastritis R.E.L. Burford ----- C
CARROLL Floyd F. 2 April 1892 3m M W American ----- single 809 Monk st bronchitis capillary A.A. Rowland ----- C
CARROLL James 10 November 1907 25y M C American ----- ----- H st congestion of brain G.V. Cate ----- C
CARSONS Sarah 3 May 1902 6m F C American ----- ----- ----- malarial fever G.V. Cate ----- C
CARSWELL Hattie 10 February 1904 20y F C American ----- ----- cor Monk & Stonewall uremia G.M. Blanton ----- C
CARSWELL M.J.  (Mrs.) 5 May 1893 23y F W American ----- married 809 Monk st puerperal fever Hugh Burford ----- C
CARTER Berrien 14 August 1894 24y M B American Laborer single 1304 J st typhoid fever C.A. Blain ----- C
CARTER Edward 14 October 1895 6m M B American ----- single 603 J st billious fever R.H. Johnson ----- C
CARTER Eliz. i/o 24 January 1903 4m F C American ----- ----- cor Stonewall & London unknown none ----- C
CARTER Ida d/o 20 January 1891 5d F B American ----- single 223 S Cochran ave convulsions none ----- C
CARTER J.M. d/o 15 May 1896 60y F B American ----- single 224 S Albany stillborn C.A. Blain ----- C
CARTER Jerry 9 February 1897 50y M B American Laborer widowed City Hospital consumption H.M. Branham ----- C
CARTER Jimmie s/o 4 May 1897 7d M B American ----- single 610 Bay st convulsions C.A. Blain ----- C
CARTER John 26 February 1902 40y M B American Rail Laborer ----- country railroad accident Cor. Jennings ----- C
CARTER Sam 25 November 1898 11m M B American ----- ----- 224 A Albany pneumonia of lungs J.W. Buggs ----- C
CARTER Wm. M. 19 February 1892 30y M B American Laborer married 429 S Amherst pneumonia C.A. Blain ----- C
CASSADY B. 11 December 1893 50y M W American Carpenter single at hospital genl. dibility J.A. Butts ----- C
CASSEY Maggie 12 August 1892 30y F W American ----- single 228 S Wolf heart disease none deceased dropped dead C
CAUFIELD Elma 10 February 1896 38y F B American ----- married cor Amherst & Mansfield heart disease none ----- C
CHANCE J.M. 3 March 1900 32y M W American ----- ----- Waycross illegible none ----- C
CHANCE M.   (Mrs.) 21 June 1902 71y F W American ----- ----- N Albany & B endocarditus? A Christie ----- C
CHANDLER George 2 January 1892 59y M W American Merchant married 300 Newcastle valvular heart disease L.B. Botsford ----- C
CHAPEL W. s/o 20 November 1894 ----- M W American ----- ----- ----- dropsy of heart A.A. Rowland ----- C
CHAPMAN Infant of 2 June 1891 3d M B American ----- single 717 S Amherst illegible neonatorium? none ----- C
CHAPPEL Marion s/o 12 September 1895 ----- M B American ----- single Reynolds stillborn none ----- C
CHAPPEL Nelson C. d/o 26 April 1893 ----- F B American ----- single 714 S stillborn none ----- C
CHAPPEL Nelson s/o 30 August 1894 ----- M B American ----- ----- 217 S Amherst stillborn none ----- C
CHAPPELL Amelia Ann s/o 27 June 1892 ----- M B American ----- single 717 S Amherst stillborn none ----- C
CHAPPELL Boisy 4 July 1891 5m M B American ----- single 716 S Amherst convulsions J.A. Dunwody ----- C
CHAPPELL Nelson d/o 26 June 1890 ----- F ----- ----- ----- ----- 717 S Amherst stillborn L.B. Davis   C
CHASTAIN Infant 18 May 1900 10d M B American ----- ----- 107 Albemarle blood poison L.A. Thrift? ----- C
CHAVERS Willie 3 November 1890 4y M W American ----- single 509 First ave congestion of bowels Hugh Burford ----- C
CHESLEY Beacham 0 OOO 1894 2m 4d M B American ----- single 214 N Amherst bronch. Pneumonia none ----- C
CHEWA J. Simon 26 March 1894 42y M W Portugal Sailor married Portugal bright's disease R.E.L. Burford ----- C
CHILLES? Benjamin 5 January 1899 89y M B American Trashman ----- 222 A st lane unknown L.B. Davis ----- C
CHRISTENSEN Neils 4 April 1891 41y M W Norway Ship Master single on vessel acute rheumatism Hugh Burford ----- C
CHRISTIE A.  (Mrs.) 29 August 1908 42y F W American Housewife married 1901 F st suicide G.A.H. Jennings coroner C
CHRISTIE Rufus R. 3 August 1892 1y 5m M W American ----- single 223 S Albany eutero-colitis H.M. Branham ----- C
CHRISTOPHER Cora 10 October 1904 68y F C ----- ----- ----- 112 N Stonewall dropsy ----- ----- C
CHRISTOPHER Eva 11 August 1908 30y F C American ----- ----- Stonewall no cause no doctor ----- C
CHRISTOPHER Leah 22 August 1891 96y F B American ----- widowed 616 S Stonewall old age J.A. Butts ----- C
CHRISTOPHER Mamie 30 December 1891 17y F B American ----- single Pellicanville puerperal eclampsia J.A. Dunwody ----- C
CHRISTOPHER Myrtle 1 August 1908 20y F C American ----- ----- London & Cochran tuberculosis G.V. Cate ----- C
CHRISTOPHER Myrtle 1 August 1908 22y F C American ----- ----- London & Cochran bronchitis G.W. Buggs ----- C
CHRISTOPHER Peggy 15 September 1900 91y F B American ----- ----- 606 Carpenter old age A Christie ----- C
CHRISTOPHER Peter 26 January 1890 46y M B American ----- ----- Stonewall congestion of brain J.A. Butts   C
CHRISTOPHER Robt. 6 November 1899 75y M B American Carpenter ----- ----- cardio arythmia Alfred Christie ----- C
CHURCH Jos. s/o 8 April 1895 1d M B American ----- single 403 L st convulsions none ----- C
CHURCHILL John K. 19 May 1892 24y M W American Jeweler single 901 Grant remittent fever H.M. Branham interred in Middletown, Conn. Congestion of lungs complicating C
CHURCHILL Willie 9 January 1895 11d M B American ----- single 114 S Albany dysentery C.A. Blain ----- C
CHURCHILL Wm. 13 October 1895 35y M B American Waiter married 114 N Albany dropsy W.C. Hatcher ----- C
CIVER Juno 7 November 1891 3m M B American ----- single 402 S Lee intestinal catarrh none ----- C
CLARK Berta 24 October 1906 ----- F C ----- ----- ----- 520 Albany unknown none ----- C
CLARK Catherine 22 May 1896 40y F B American Washerwoman married 718 N Johnson consumption R.H. Johnson ----- C
CLARK Dan 19 December 1896 54y M B American ----- ----- City Hospital consumption H.M. Branham ----- C
CLARK David 28 July 1892 48y M B American ----- married 519 S Albany dysentery none ----- C
CLARK E.M. 8 May 1891 5y 5m F W American ----- single 602 N Cleburn congestion of brain L.B. Davis ----- C
CLARK Evelina 8 November 1897 6y F B American ----- ----- Bush Row convulsions H.M. Branham   C
CLARK Geo. T. d/o 20 August 1908 2y F W American ----- ----- 606 2 ave malanadauto? inf. G.W. Blanton ----- C
CLARK George 8 May 1903 ----- ----- C ----- ----- ----- Bush Row ----- ----- ----- C
CLARK J.H. 7 June 1892 42y M W American Merchant single 606 Richmond peritonitis Hugh Burford interred at Haddock Station, Ga. Dysentery & perforation of bowel C
CLARK Mollie Rena 6 July 1892 4y 4m F B American ----- single 1025 Egmont ascarier lumbucoides? none ----- C
CLARK Negro 20 May 1908 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- died in hospital said to have been poisoned D
CLARK R.T. 2 January 1909 63y M W American Postmaster? ----- 1312 Union paralysis R.E.L. Burford ----- C
CLARK W.H.  (Mrs.) 4 September 1894 22y F W American ----- married Dupre's Place puerperial convulsions Rush & Branham ----- C
CLARK Willie May 17 October 1892 7m F B American ----- single 117 S Amherst bronchitis capillary E.G. West ----- C
CLARK? Child 31 August 1908 stillborn ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- stillborn no doctor ----- D
CLARKE Clarance 2 June 1902 1y 4m F B American ----- ----- Albany malarial poison G.V. Cate ----- C
CLARY Harry 14 December 1901 28y M B American Laborer single A st Lane phthisis M.C. Hatcher ----- C
CLASIN Rob 9 December 1896 40y M B American Laborer married 404 Egmont peritonitis Hugh Burford ----- C
CLAY Maggie 19 February 1893 30y F B American Washerwoman married 513 Oglethorpe pneumonia none ----- C
CLAYTON Cato 6 May 1892 17y M B American ----- single 413 N Bartow hemorrhage of bowels L.B. Davis ----- C
CLAYTON Evaline d/o 11 April 1895 1d F B American ----- single cor H & Albany inanition none ----- C
CLAYTON Frank 29 February 1892 74y M B American Laborer widowed 1911 J st senility none ----- C
CLAYTON Irwin 13 March 1898 2y 4m M B American none single 614 L st burn none ----- C
CLAYTON Lucien 29 August 1890 30y ----- ----- American Photograhper single 288 A st dysentery chronic H.H. Gann ----- C
CLEMENTS Hannah 16 November 1895 25y F B American ----- married 100 S Wolfe hydrothorax C.A. Blain ----- C
CLEMENTS Wm. d/o 19 May 1900 1d F B American ----- ----- 724 N Ablany lock jaw L.B. Davis ----- C
CLINCH Bertha 28 December 1890 1y 5m F B American ----- single Cochran ave diarrhea chronic Robt. Hazlehurst ----- C
CLINE W.A. 11 October 1908 66y M W ----- ----- ----- country malanal dev? G.W. Blanton ----- C
CLOUD Maggy 28 October 1908 ----- F C ----- ----- ----- 1113 Albany head trouble J.A. Butts ----- C
CLUBB Jas.  (Mrs.) 22 April 1890 58y ----- ----- ----- ----- widowed 516 N Albany emphysema of lungs O.W. Tucker   C
CLUBB Tina 13 March 1896 73y F B American Housewife widowed 407 Johnson st dysentery Robt. Hazlehurst ----- C
COBB Jesse 15 June 1891 8m M B American ----- single 215 S Lee diarrhea chronic C.A. Blain ----- C
COBURN Hannah 11 October 1900 60y F B American ----- ----- L & Amherst congestion of brain L.B. Davis ----- C
COCHRAN Georgia 19 August 1895 30y F B American ----- single 101 A st Lane syphilis none ----- C
COCHRAN Jeff 14 October 1892 40y M B American Laborer ----- City Hospital phthisis pulmonales R.E.L. Burford ----- C
COHEN Louisa s/o 14 June 1893 3m M B American ----- single 1025 S Wolf gastric enteritis H.M. Branham ----- C
COKER John 6 May 1897 30y M W American ----- single 408 N Albany cirrhosis of liver G.V. Cate ----- C
COKER W.B.C. 12 November 1905 ----- M W ----- ----- ----- Albany ----- ----- ----- C
COLBERT Rachel 13 August 1908 55y F W American ----- ----- 800 I st drowned G.A.H. Jennings coroner C
COLBURN Mattie 5 January 1896 45y F B American Washerwoman single N Albany cor H consumption R.H. Johnson ----- C
COLE Vanbula 19 September 1901 1y 2m M B American ----- ----- ----- dysentery & malaria? G.V. Cate ----- C
COLEMAN Amoss 14 June 1904 14y M C American ----- ----- ----- unknown none ----- C
COLEMAN Chas. 10 December 1896 35y M B American ----- ----- City Hospital consumption H.M. Branham ----- C
COLEMAN J.C.  (Mrs.) 27 February 1908 72y F W American Housewife widowed 211 1/2 Monk st genl. dibility P.W. Oat? ----- C
COLEMAN Moses 29 October 1904 4y ----- C ----- ----- ----- Johnson st unknown none ----- C
COLEMAN Rosa 18 October 1906 ----- F C ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- C
COLLINS Ethel 27 March 1895 4y F B American ----- single 12 Cleveland burn G.V. Cate ----- C
COLLINS Mollie 29 May 1903 35y F C ----- ----- ----- J & Bartow consumption none ----- C
COLLINS Washington 9 January 1891 22y M B American ----- single Glynn County gun shot wound none died out of city limits C
COLLOG L.V. i/o 12 May 1904 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- stillborn ----- ----- C
COLSON M.J. 17 May 1907 62y M W ----- ----- ----- 1409 Mansfield paralysis R.E.L. Burford ----- C
COMER Geo. A. 2 February 1897 36y M W American Bookkeeper married Altamaha Mill pulm. Consumption G.W. Blanton ----- C
COMPTON Charlotte 18 January 1897 75y F B American ----- widowed 606 S Johnson paralysis none ----- C
CONANT G.R. i/o 11 November 1908 6h M W American ----- ----- Prince & Wolf convulsions ??? R.E.L. Burford ----- C
CONEY Margaret 29 April 1904 70y F C American ----- ----- 110 H st paralysis ----- ----- C
CONEY Martin 14 October 1895 50y M B American ----- married A st Lane tetanus G.W. Blanton ----- C
CONNOLY Jerry 9 August 1906 60y M W ----- ----- ----- 610 N Cochran genl. infirmity J.A. Butts ----- C
CONNOLY Jerry  (Mrs.) 19 September 1906 ----- F W ----- ----- ----- died at city hospital genl. infirmity ----- ----- C
CONNOR Lizzie 5 January 1904 34y F C ----- ----- ----- 1310 London st unknown J.A. Butts sent to Gainsville, Fla. C
CONOLY Caroline 15 January 1892 74y F W American ----- widowed 519 Union paralysis Hugh Burford ----- C
COOK Christy 25 June 1894 85y F B American ----- ----- 112 W Albany old age none ----- C
COOK John R. 13 May 1896 60y M W American Lumber Dealer married 716 Union pulm. Consumption J.A. Butts ----- C
COOK Saml. H. 3 November 1890 49y M W American Merchant married 1005 Oak Place phthisis pulmonales J.A. Butts ----- C
COOLIGE John 17 July 1906 11m M C ----- ----- ----- 500 Bartow malaria Z.W. Smith ----- C
COOPER Amanda 16 November 1901 19y F B American ----- single ----- ----- ----- ----- C
COOPER Baker d/o 26 October 1890 ----- F B American ----- single 707 J st stillborn none no medical attention C
COOPER Edward & Eva L. d/o 13 October 1894 10m F W American ----- ----- 118 S Amherst diarrhea C.A. Blain ----- C
COOPER Emma 9 February 1900 80y F B American ----- ----- ----- old age L.B. Davis ----- C
COOPER Herman 25 May 1900 2y 6m M B American ----- ----- 122 N St W born premature A.C. Christie ----- C
COOPER John M. 1 July 1899 8m M B American ----- ----- 128 Gordon st gastro enteritis A Christie ----- C
COOPER Jos. d/o 8 September 1895 8d F B American ----- single 711 N Albany convulsions none ----- C
COOPER Lena 25 July 1899 1m M B American ----- ----- Amherst inflamed bowels R.H. Johnson ----- C
COOPER M. Edna 4 June 1900 4y 8m F B American ----- ----- 122 N St W illegible C.A. Blain ----- C
COOPER Martha 19 September 1897 76y F B American Cook single 215 S Lee old age R.H. Johnson ----- C
COOPER Martha 21 September 1907 50y M C ----- ----- ----- ----- lingual carcin? R.N. Jackson ----- C
COOPER Phoebe 20 July 1891 60y F B American ----- married 329 N Gordon dropsy none ----- C
COOPER Satilla s/o 18 December 1891 7d M B American ----- single 707 J st trismus nascentium none ----- C
COOPER W.N. 6 November 1896 5d M B American ----- single 713 N Albany convulsions R.H. Johnson ----- C
COPELAND Annie 22 April 1904 23y F C ----- ----- ----- 625 London st tuberculosis A. Christie ----- C
COPELAND J.M. 16 October 1907 23y M W ----- ----- ----- Brunswick acute indigestion? I.M. Bishop ----- C
COPELAND Jerome? 19 May 1900 25d M B American ----- ----- 203 Cochran ave phthisis pulmonales Alfred Christie ----- C
COPELAND S.W.  (Mrs.) 7 April 1890 37y F ----- American ----- married N Lee uremia L.B. Botsford   C
COPELAND Sarah? 13 April 1904 1y F C American ----- ----- 625 Celveland st pneumonia none ----- C
CORDINE? Wm. Richard 26 March 1894 10d M W American ----- single 304 Monk illegible A.M. Bishop ----- C
COREMA Ida 3 March 1899 29y F B American ----- ----- Cochran ave heart disease J.A. Bird ----- C
CORNEIL Phis. Gertrude 26 June 1891 2y 6m 4d F W Canada ----- single Glynn County rheumatic fever R.E.L. Burford died out of city limits C
CORNELIUS Chas. 27 December 1896 7m M B American ----- ----- Evansville dropsy R.H. Johnson ----- C
CORNELIUS H.H.?  (Mrs.) 22 January 1909 68y F W American Housewife ----- 2024 Ellis intestinal nephritis A.M. S??? Jr. ----- C
CORNELIUS Herbert 28 August 1901 1y 4m M B American ----- ----- 402 D st marasmus G.W. Blanton ----- C
CORNELIUS J.K. d/o 2 November 1901 ----- F W American ----- ----- C st road stillborn J.C. Egleston ----- C
CORNELIUS J.K. i/o 15 June 1890 ----- ----- ----- American ----- ----- 120 A st stillborn G.W. Blanton ----- C
CORNELIUS Lewis 27 February 1908 42y M C American Laborer ----- 523 N Col. Ave dropsy G.V. Cate ----- C
CORNELIUS Littleton 13 April 1902 50y M W American Laborer single City Hospital blood poison J.A. Butts ----- C
CORNELIUS S.C. s/o 5 February 1896 5d M W American ----- single 504 Monk st trismus nascentium G.W. Blanton ----- C
CORNELIUS S.C. s/o 28 November 1894 ----- M W American ----- ----- 504 Monk st inanition none ----- C
CORNELIUS Saml. 20 June 1900 29y M W American Machinist ----- 525 G st apoplexy H.M. Branham ----- C
CORNELL Elfrida 29 January 1897 1y 1m 6d F W American ----- single Oglethorpe whooping cough H.M. Branham ----- C
CORNWALL Allen Burford 7 September 1892 5d M W American ----- single 1218 S Albany trismus nascentium Hugh Burford ----- C
CORSEN Lou 12 November 1907 child F C ----- ----- ----- 209 N Lee stillborn no doctor ----- C
COTTON Charlotte d/o 6 May 1893 ----- F B American ----- single 110 S Wolf premature birth none ----- C
COUPER Peter 22 November 1891 100y M B American ----- widowed 720 S Lee senility none ----- C
COURIER Della i/o 31 December 1891 ----- ----- B American ----- single 415 N. Amherst stillborn H.M. Branham ----- C
COVINA Joseph 13 January 1896 1y 8m M B American ----- single N Cochran ave RR accident J.A.H. Jennings coroner ----- C
COWAN Child 17 February 1907 16y ----- W ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- D
COWART Charley 27 November 1908 65y M B American ----- ----- 1707 Gordon st asthma R.S. Fox ----- C
COWMAN Geo. s/o 12 January 1893 2d M W American ----- single 609 M premature birth Hugh Burford ----- C
COX Bertha 21 March 1897 8y F W American ----- single suburbs congestion of brain J.A. Butts ----- C
COX Chas. 29 July 1890 36y M W Irish ----- ----- ----- drowning none accidental C
COX Jane 23 March 1902 ----- F ----- American ----- ----- 526 N Wolf unknown none ----- C
COX Lizzie 2 February 1894 ----- F B American ----- single 617 N Johnson marasmus none ----- C
COX Mamie d/o 19 August 1900 ----- F B American ----- ----- 620 Amherst unknown none ----- C
COX Sarah L. 23 August 1901 41y F W American ----- married E st consumption L.B. Davis ----- C
CRANE Geo. s/o 28 January 1891 ----- M W American ----- single 413 N. Albany stillborn none ----- C
CRAVEN C??? d/o 23 OOO 1899 ----- F B American ----- ----- 302 N Wolf dysentery L.B. Davis ----- C
CRAWFORD Minnie 10 March 1896 3y F B American ----- single cor Cochran & L convulsions none ----- C
CRAWFORD Tina 13 February 1907 32y F C American ----- ----- D st consumption H.M. Branham ----- C
CREACH Anna? 17 May 1907 24y F C ----- ----- ----- Lee st phthisis pulmonales Alfred Christie ----- C
CREACH Corrine 3 July 1892 10d F B American ----- single 614 S Lee inanition J.A. Butts ----- C
CREACH Eugene 19 May 1891 3m M B American ----- single 614 S Lee hives none ----- C
CREACH Washington i/o 24 September 1899 1d ----- B American ----- ----- 613 Lee st unknown Branham ----- C
CREWS Rosa 5 June 1897 30y F B American Housewife married 129 N Albany consumption G.V. Cate ----- C
CROMAN T.W. 27 December 1897 50y M W American Carpenter married ----- ----- Blanton ----- C
CRONEN Lena d/o 22 June 1899 4y F B American ----- ----- 302 N Wolf dysentery L.B. Davis ----- C
CRONES Sarah 21 September 1898 45y F W American none ----- Brooklyn brain fever J.A. Butts ----- C
CRONIN Lela 23 June 1899 4y F B American ----- ----- 302 N Wolf dysentery L.B. Davis ----- C
CROOMS Albert 9 March 1904 70y M ----- ----- ----- ----- 100 Howe st heart failure G.M. Buggs ----- C
CROOMS Ross 14 February 1904 56y F C American ----- ----- 805 Howe st   J.C. Egleston ----- C
CROSBY J.S. i/o 21 June 1904 1y 6m ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 6 Mile Xing dysentery A.C. Blain sent to Graham, N.C. C
CROSS Am?? 29 October 1908 26y F C ----- ----- ----- 1405 L st intestinal catarrh J.W. Buggs ----- C
CROUDS J.T. 28 January 1898 38y M W American Railroad Employee married Wolf railroad accident Hugh Burford ----- C
CROVATT A.J. 18 May 1901 41y F W American ----- married Union cancer of uteris Hugh Burford ----- C
CROVATT William 2 January 1899 66y M W American Druggist ----- 301 Newcastle tuberculosis R.L. Ward sent to Charleston, SC C
CROWDER Ben s/o 23 February 1893 6d M B American ----- single 406 N Lee peritonitis J.A. Butts ----- C
CROWDER Napoleon 10 November 1894 7m M B American ----- ----- 827 N Amherst malnutrition G.V. Cate ----- C
CROWDER Rufus 30 April 1892 30y M B American ----- single 803 N Albany meningitis cerebral ----- died without medical attention C
CROWDER Viola 28 March 1896 7m F B American ----- single 822 N Amherst retention of urine R.H. Johnson ----- C
CROWN Wm. 19 May 1892 65y M W American Seaman single 2220 London pneumonia J.A. Dunwody ----- C
CRUCK Lottie 2 September 1897 1m F W American ----- ----- 617 S Lee whooping cough H.M. Branham ----- C
CUMMINGS Emmet L. 11 March 1897 3y 10m M W American ----- single 1028 S Albany tuber meningitis Hugh Burford ----- C
CUMMINGS Thos. 2 October 1906 ----- M W ----- ----- ----- hospital old age & genl. infirmity ----- ----- C
CUNNINGHAM Warren 20 June 1890 9m M B ----- ----- ----- 211 S Lee marasmus J.A. Butts   C
CURRIE Cooper 2 March 1894 44y F B American Servant widowed Union scarfula H.M. Branham ----- C
CURRIE G.M. 19 November 1892 65y M W American Moulder married 1019 Newcastle phthisis pulmonales H.M. Branham ----- C
CURRY Davis d/o 31 March 1894 ----- F B American ----- ----- 4 Cochran stillborn ----- ----- C
CURRY K.? 15 March 1894 60y M B American ----- married 127 N Cochran consumption G.V. Cate ----- C
CURRY Raford 26 October 1893 27y M W American ----- single ----- gun shot wound illegible ----- C
CURTIS Samuel 5 April 1900 39y M W American Stevedore ----- Gloucester mental (illegible) A Christie ----- C
CUSPID John 15 April 1907 9y M C ----- ----- ----- Brunswick unknown ----- sent to Darien C
CUTHBERT L.M. 7 June 1907 10y F C ----- ----- ----- 1404 London illegible G.W. Blanton ----- C




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