Glynn County, Georgia Mortuary Book E Surnames @

Glynn County, Georgia Mortuary Book -- E Surnames



D Month Year
EARLEY Chas. 16 March 1907 4y M C ----- ----- ----- 623 D st cerebro s.m. G.W. Blanton ----- E
EASTMEAD L.  (Mrs.) 5 June 1894 50y F W American ----- married 526 B cardiac dropsy with kidney complications J.A. Butts ----- E
EASTON A.J. 16 December 1896 22y M W Bermuda Seaman single Marine Hospital tubercle of lung H. Burford ----- E
EDGAR Elizabeth d/o 24 July 1892 2d F B American ----- single 924 N Wolfe trismus nascentium none ----- E
EDGAR Elizabeth d/o 12 June 1893 ----- F B American ----- single 429 N Wolf birth premature none ----- E
EDGAR John H. d/o 9 OOO 1890 ----- F B American ----- single 613 N Johnson stillborn none no medical attention E
EDGAR Jones 18 June 1894 4y M B American none single 400 1/2 S Albany pneumonia H.M. Branham dying when first seen E
EDWARDS Birl 18 October 1893 35y M B American ----- ----- 312 Oglethorpe yellow fever C. Faget ----- E
EDWARDS Dan 3 July 1897 30y M B ----- Baker married N Amherst illegible G.V. Cate ----- E
EDWARDS H. 24 September 1896 4m M B American ----- ----- 113 N Lee ----- R.H. Johnson ----- E
EDWARDS Jesse 8 November 1895 5y 6m F B American ----- single 203 S Cochran ave malignant Pun? Fever C.A. Blain ----- E
EDWARDS S??? 18 May 1907 19y M C ----- ----- ----- Wolf st unknown ----- ----- E
EDWARDS T.W. i/o 6 July 1909 stillborn ----- W ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- G.V. Cate ----- E
EDWARDS Thos. 11 September 1906 child ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- E st ----- ----- ----- E
ELDEN Matt 16 July 1896 44y M B American Laborer married 529 Egmont cont? mal? fever R.H. Johnson ----- E
ELIASON Fred 28 May 1895 26y M W Swede Seaman single Marine Hospital congestion of lungs, syphilatic rheumatism H. Burford ----- E
ELKIN Robt. 4 March 1896 5m M B American ----- single ----- convulsions R.H. Johnson ----- E
ELLENWOOD James 1 November 1895 84y M B American ----- widow 106 B old age A.A. Rowland ----- E
ELLIOT C.L. s/o 4 February 1893 ----- M W American ----- single 519 Richmond stillborn H. Burford ----- E
ELLIOT Child 22 April 1907 stillborn ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Richmond stillborn ----- ----- E
ELLIOT J.B. d/o 21 May 1902 3m F W American ----- ----- 512 Carpenter unknown none ----- E
ELLIOT Wm. F. 21 May 1902 64y M W American ----- ----- 600 N Wolf cancer of rectum G.W. Blanton ----- E
ELLIS B.A. 23 March 1896 52y M W American Seaman married Marine Hospital cancer of bladder H. Burford ----- E
ELLIS Ben 16 April 1901 49y M B American Laborer married S Albany phthisis pulmonales Jno. W. Buggs ----- E
ELLIS Percy 5 September 1896 3y M B American ----- ----- 406 S Albany meningitis A.A. Rowland ----- E
ELLIS Vincent 11 November 1896 27y M B American Laborer married D st congestion of brain H.M. Branham saw patient only few moments before death E
ELLIS? Mary 23 November 1908 ----- F C ----- ----- ----- 2211 Bartow unknown no doctor ----- E
ELLISON Agnes s/o 21 October 1891 ----- M B American ----- single 515 S Albany stillborn none ----- E
ELLISON Chas. 15 April 1901 45y M B American Laborer married 208 ??? consumption L.B. Davis ----- E
ELSEY Frank 12 October 1890 26y M B American Seaman single 901 Bay gunshot wound none ----- E
ELVISON Sarah s/o 15 November 1894 5m 15d M B American ----- ----- 527 Cochran ave enteritis none ----- E
ELWIN Edith 4 February 1891 3y F W American ----- single 101 Albemarle broncho pneumonia A.C. Blain ----- E
EMERY Mabel  (Miss) 21 June 1902 29y F W American ----- ----- Americus unknown B.B. Hudson died at Americus suddenly E
ENGLEBRETHSEN Marie H. 12 February 1893 34y F W Sweden ----- single 1909 S Wolf phthisis pulmonales I.N. Bishop ----- E
ENGLISH Albert 6 OOO 1891 10m M B American ----- single 311 N Gordon continual fever A.A. Rowland ----- E
ENGLISH Freddie P. 18 May 1893 6m 16d M B American ----- single 400 N Gordon cholera infantum A.A. Rowland ----- E
ENGLISH V. 28 July 1900 1y 2m F B ----- ----- ----- 314 S Albany cholera morbus L.B. Davis ----- E
ENNIS M.A. 30 October 1893 23y M W American Telegraph Operator married 209 1st ave rheumatism H. Burford reported as yellow fever E
EVANS (Co. Convict) 3 August 1901 50y M B American Convict ----- Convict Farm valvular heart disease G.V. Cate ----- E
EVANS Anne 10 October 1898 4y F B American ----- ----- 711 Lee st drowned none drowned in flood 1898 F
EVANS Ellen 11 June 1907 17y F W ----- ----- ----- 900 E st typhoid fever J.W. S??? ----- E
EVANS Lizzie 29 April 1908 ----- F C ----- ----- ----- Gordon & H gastro enteritis R.N. Jackson ----- E
EVANS Maggie 10 October 1898 1y F B American ----- ----- 711 Lee st drowned none drowned in flood 1898 F
EVANS Maria 30 July 1895 2d F B American ----- ----- 2011 Cleburn convulsions R.H. Johnson ----- E
EVANS Thomas 6 April 1905 30y ----- W American ----- ----- Bay st suicide none ----- E
EVANS Wm. 13 June 1892 63y M W American Painter married 1012 Oglethorpe asthma H. Burford ----- E
EVANS Wm. 3 November 1903 1y M W American ----- ----- ----- teething none ----- E



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