Glynn County, Georgia Mortuary Book H Surnames @

Glynn County, Georgia Mortuary Book -- H Surnames



D Month Year
HABERSHAM  (Mrs.) 11 March 1902 ----- F C American ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- H
HACKETT Thos. 8 October 1895 70y M W American Carpenter widow 1503 Monk st strict urethra ??? & inflam. of bladder I.N. Bishop ----- H
HAFFORD R.N. 29 June 1897 1y 6m F B American ----- ----- 404 Q malarial fever R.H. Johnson ----- H
HALL Angie 7 January 1904 21y F C American Servant ----- 1800 George st endocarditis G.W. Smith ----- H
HALL C. d/o 9 November 1903 4d F C American ----- ----- 607 S Amherst none none ----- H
HALL Colson 6 May 1906 17y ----- ----- American ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- H
HALL Gracie d/o 11 February 1903 7m F C American ----- ----- 1307 Monk st unknown ----- ----- H
HALL James 13 July 1893 7y M B American ----- single 717 S Stonewall remittent fever none ----- H
HALL Kate 7 February 1900 65y F B American ----- ----- 609 S Gordon mental ??? A.C. Blain ----- H
HALL M.H. s/o 27 November 1899 4m M B American ----- ----- Evansville malarial fever G.V. Cate ----- H
HALL Marie 29 November 1894 2y 9m F B American ----- single 511 Union st convulsions H.M. Branham ----- H
HALL Mary d/o 20 May 1898 ----- F B American ----- ----- 1406 Monk st stillborn none ----- H
HALL Pratt 13 June 1892 7m 16d M W American ----- single ----- cholera infantum none deceased died on St. Simons Island H
HALL Sam d/o 31 January 1907 8d F C American ----- ----- 624 N Stonewall unknown none ----- H
HALLOMAN Merret 28 April 1907 29y M C American ----- ----- 418 Ellis enteritis G.W.B. ----- H
HALODAY G.  (Mrs.) 7 June 1909 42y F ----- American ----- ----- 1915 Newcastle progressive? paralysis G.V. Cate ----- H
HALVERSON Allen B. 9 April 1902 1y 3m M W American ----- ----- 1000 Albemarle st gastro-enteritis H. Burford ----- H
HAMILTON Alice s/o 5 November 1891 ----- M B American ----- single 406 Oglethorpe stillborn none ----- H
HAMILTON C. 11 August 1904 25y ----- C American ----- ----- Darien supposed heart disease ----- sent to Darien H
HAMILTON James 22 March 1902 19y M C American ----- ----- Amherst pneumonia L.B. Davis ----- H
HAMILTON Will s/o 7 August 1895 ----- M B American ----- single 411 1/2 S Amherst premature birth none ----- H
HAMLIN Adaline 1 October 1891 22y F B American ----- single 428 S Albany capillary bronchitis R.E.L. Burford ----- H
HAMMOND A. 21 February 1892 43y M B American ----- widow City Hospital phthisis pulmonales R.E.L. Burford ----- H
HANCE Eva 7 August 1908 stillborn ----- ----- American ----- ----- S Lee stillborn ----- ----- H
HANCOCK Benj. McCook 19 June 1890 4m M W American ----- single 800 Richmond intersussumption of bowels H. Burford ----- H
HANKINS E. 22 February 1899 75y M B American ----- ----- 520 N Amherst brights disease J.A. Butts ----- H
HANLEY W.J. 26 July 1894 34y M W American Machinist married 204 Howe st peritonitis & ??? H. Burford ----- H
HANNAH John 22 January 1905 17y M C American ----- ----- 114 S Wolf pneumonia G.W. Smith ----- H
HANOVER Jake 31 July 1908 13m M C American ----- ----- 207 Stonewall malnutrition G.V. Cate ----- H
HANSEN Martin 16 September 1892 35y M W Norway ----- single Marine Hospital intermittent fever J.A. Dunwody died two days after admission to hospital H
HARALSON J.B. 26 September 1898 28y ----- W American Laborer ----- 500 F st apoplexy G.V. Cate ----- H
HARDCASTLE James  (Mrs.) 21 October 1907 62y F W American ----- ----- 1204 Gloucester tubr. peritonitis A. Christie ----- H
HARDWAY Anna E. 3 May 1896 48y F W American Housewife married 222 1/2 Newcastle val. dis. of heart I.N. Bishop ----- H
HARDY A.G.  (Mrs.) 0 November 1895 53y F W American ----- widow 507 F st tetanus H.M. Branham ----- H
HARDY Anna 18 January 1890 38y F B American ----- married City Hospital chronic diarrhea O.W. Tucker had been sick with ??? ??? B&W RR for some time been in hospital but a few days H
HARDY W.N. 28 August 1902 86y M W American ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- H
HARDY Wm. J. 8 September 1902 4y M W American ----- ----- 1002 Ellis acute indigestion A.C. Blain ----- H
HARLEY Clio  (Miss) 17 July 1908 19y F W American School girl ----- Mansfield uremia & dysentery R.L. Fox ----- H
HARLEY George 4 February 1896 17y M B American Preacher single E st lane hemorrhagic fever R.H. Johnson ----- H
HARLEY H.J. Jr. 14 March 1901 63y M W American Physician married cor George & Albany celleritis? of the heart Blair & Blanton ----- H
HARLEY W.L. 20 November 1900 28y M B American ----- ----- S Albany phthisis pulmonales C.A. Blair ----- H
HARMAN Henry 3 December 1890 10m M B American ----- single 610 Ellis diarrhea acute R. Hazlehurst ----- H
HARMAN? Chas. 9 May 1895 4m 14d M B American ----- ----- Cochran ave enterocolitis H.M. Branham [illegible sentence] operated ?? 22 Dec. 94 H
HARMON Abram 9 June 1893 47y M B American ----- married 623 A st hemorrhage of brain R.E.L. Burford ----- H
HARMON Ed d/o 2 December 1903 1d F C American ----- ----- E st unknown none ----- H
HARMON James 7 January 1903 58y M C American Laborer ----- Evansville paralysis G.V. Cate ----- H
HARMON Jane 11 August 1901 30y F B American Laundress married 218 Amherst billious fever L.B. Davis ----- H
HARMON Natia 13 March 1900 6m F B American ----- ----- 423 N Cochran small pox J.A. Butts ----- H
HAROLD ??? d/o 11 June 1896 8m F B American ----- single 722 A Albany convulsions none ----- H
HAROLD Sarah 1 December 1892 7y 8m F B American ----- single Amherst remittent fever none interred at Darien, Georgia H
HARRINGTON ----- 17 June 1909 40y M C American ----- ----- 1820 Johnson consumption J.W. Buggs ----- H
HARRINGTON Sarah 14 June 1891 6m F B American ----- single 1600 London st chronic diarrhea C.A. Blair ----- H
HARRINGTON Sarah E. 31 May 1891 21y F B American ----- single Macon, Bibb Co., GA enteritis E.E. Green died in Macon, interred in Brunswick H
HARRINGTON Sarah i/o 16 August 1900 ----- ----- B American ----- ----- 328 S Wolf ----- ----- ----- H
HARRIS A. 18 July 1897 65y M? B American ----- ----- 703 N Wolf tuberculosis Alfred Christie ----- H
HARRIS Annie 6 September 1908 23y F C American ----- ----- 700 Amherst no cause none ----- H
HARRIS Aug. d/o 31 July 1896 2d F B American ----- single 6 Bartow stillborn none ----- H
HARRIS Ben d/o 7 August 1894 16d F B American ----- ----- 724 D st convulsions none ----- H
HARRIS Caroline 17 October 1903 65y F C American ----- ----- Evansville old age & general dibility J.A. Butts ----- H
HARRIS Charles 5 November 1896 22y M B American Laborer single 415 1/2 S Amherst consumption I.N. Bishop ----- H
HARRIS Charles 13 January 1902 49y M B American Waiter at hotel single Bay st consumption & hemmorhage from nose A. Christie ----- H
HARRIS Chls. 27 April 1909 60y M C American Laborer ----- Amherst old age ----- ----- H
HARRIS Ellen s/o 28 July 1902 8d M C American ----- ----- ----- none none ----- H
HARRIS Elmore 11 December 1903 7y M C American ----- ----- 719 Stonewall burn G.W. Smith ----- H
HARRIS Fannie 23 July 1896 40y F B American Servant single A st lane gun shot none ----- H
HARRIS Gracie 10 April 1899 50y F B American ----- ----- 719 Stonewall hemorrhage of lungs C.W. Christie? ----- H
HARRIS J.A. 28 February 1891 42y 11m M W American Carpenter married 1205 J st phthisis pulmonales A.A. Rowland ----- H
HARRIS Jack 21 February 1908 72y M C American ----- ----- 520 I st bladder trouble none ----- H
HARRIS Jacob 1 March 1908 68y M C American Merchant married 623 S Stonewall brights disease J.W. Buggs ----- H
HARRIS Jeff 2 December 1902 29y M C American ----- ----- 625 Amherst pulmonary tuber. J.C. Egerston ----- H
HARRIS Josephine i/o 8 April 1892 ----- F B American ----- single 1108 S Cocrhan ave stillborn none ----- H
HARRIS L.W. 25 January 1891 73y M W American ----- widow 528 E st pneumonia O.W. Tucker ----- H
HARRIS M. 23 October 1900 7d M B American ----- ----- 109 N Wolf dysentery L.B. Davis ----- H
HARRIS M.H.  (Mrs.) 20 January 1890 53y F W American ----- married Ellis st softening of brain J.A. Butts paralysis complicating H
HARRIS Maggie s/o 22 November 1891 14d M B American ----- single 122 S Wolf convulsions none ----- H
HARRIS Mamie 5 January 1894 23y F B American none single 716 N Wolf unknown none this occurred before I took charge of office (H.M.B.) H
HARRIS R. d/o 16 September 1897 2m F B American ----- ----- 302 London st asthemia A. Christie ----- H
HARRIS Robert 17 May 1896 1y 2m M B American ----- single 421 S Amherst chronic diarrhea C.A. Blair ----- H
HARRIS Robt. 4 December 1893 6y M W American ----- single Bay st (illegible word) pneumonia J.D. Norman? Eastman, Georgia H
HARRIS Romeo d/o 13 January 1891 18d F B American ----- single ----- trismus nascentium none ----- H
HARRIS Rossie  (Miss) 1 November 1892 20y F W American ----- single 102 Norwich phthisis pulmonales L.B. Botsford ----- H
HARRIS S.P. 23 August 1893 20y M W American ----- single 713 Egmont yellow fever H. Burford sporadic case source untraceable H
HARRIS Sam 10 May 1909 65y M C American ----- ----- Albany st jaundice J.W. Buggs ----- H
HARRIS Sam i/o 25 February 1908 ----- ----- ----- American ----- ----- ----- stillborn ----- ----- H
HARRIS Sam s/o 11 May 1909 ----- M C American ----- ----- Monk st stillborn none ----- H
HARRIS Silvia d/o 28 November 1891 ----- F B American ----- single 1803 G stillborn none ----- H
HARRIS Susan 28 July 1890 70y F B American ----- ----- Town Commons Lot 73 old age L.B. Davis ----- H
HARRIS Thomas 16 September 1899 38y M B American ----- ----- cor Cleburne & H? consumption none ----- H
HARRIS Thos. 16 September 1899 38y M B American Job ----- [illegible] consumption none ----- H
HARRIS W.H.  (Dr.) 2 February 1891 55y M W American Physician widow 604 Ellis st phthisis pulmonales J.A. Butts ----- H
HARRIS William 20 November 1908 48y M C American ----- ----- 710 Cochran congestion of lung? & heart disease R.L. Fox ----- H
HARRIS? E. 0 March 1902 63y F W American ----- widow 802 Richmond apoplexy A.C. Blain ----- H
HARRISON J.F.  (Mrs.) 22 May 1908 40y F W American ----- married B st consumption G.W. Blanton ----- H
HARRISON McDonald 21 February 1893 4y 8m M W American ----- single 500 G st acute gastritis J.A. Dunwody ----- H
HARRISON Millard? 26 July 1909 3d F W American ----- ----- 1200 2 ave   G.W. Blanton ----- H
HARRISON Nathan 18 April 1894 1y 2m M W American none single 105 B st gastro-enteritis H.M. Branham ----- H
HARRISON Robert  (Mrs.) 5 July 1909 29y F W American Housewife ----- Oyster Factory unk. died suddenly   ----- H
HARRISON T.F. 10 March 1890 33y M W American Merchant single 603 S Gordon gastritis J.A. Dunwody ----- H
HARRISON W.H. 28 August 1895 50y M W American Carpenter married City Hospital cerebral hemorrhage H.M. Branham ----- H
HARROL Eva s/o 19 May 1890 ----- M B American ----- single Ellis st lane stillborn none ----- H
HART A.S. 22 December 1901 65y F W American ----- married aboard schooner la grippe H. Burford remains shipped to Tallahassee, Florida H
HART Colson d/o 26 September 1909 1m ----- W American ----- -----   congestion G.V. Cate ----- H
HART Elizabeth 3 March 1900 none given F B American ----- ----- City pneumonia R.H. Johnson ----- H
HARVEY E.J. 11 April 1895 58y M W American Master Mechanic B&W RR married C st hemoplegia H. Burford 2nd stroke left side ??? paralyzed 2 years ago H
HARVEY Infant 0 OOO 1903 2m M W American ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- H
HARVEY John P. 13 November 1894 50y M W American Sanitary Supt. married 500 I st angina pectoris H. Burford ----- H
HARVEY Pauline 26 June 1890 15y F W American ----- single cor Albermarle & Ellis malarial fever R.E.L. Burford ----- H
HARVEY W. Leroy 19 May 1908 3y 6m M W American ----- ----- 610 B st typhoid fever & yellow fever G.V. Cate ----- H
HARVEY W.B. 17 February 1890 60y M W American Farmer married ----- dysentery J.A. Butts ----- H
HAWKINS Bridget  (Mrs.) 8 October 1891 68y F W Ireland ----- widow 204 A st unknown O.W. Tucker dying when first seen H
HAWKINS J.H. d/o 24 February 1890 ----- F B American ----- single cor Stonewall & M stillborn none ----- H
HAWKINS James K. 18 October 1894 48y M W American Bookkeeper married 1710 Gloucester st colitis H.M. Branham ----- H
HAYES Albert 6 May 1907 35y M C American ----- ----- 325 Egmont c.b. fever J.W. Buggs ----- H
HAYES George 31 October 1903 10d M C American ----- ----- J & Bartow convulsions Buggs ----- H
HAYES Henry 1 March 1900 25y M B American ----- ----- City Hospital burns J.A. Butts ----- H
HAYES M.P. 5 June 1895 65y M W American Editor single 221 Union st inflamation of bladder I.N. Bishop ----- H
HAYGOOD Wm. d/o 22 December 1896 15d F B American ----- single 718 S Albany hydrocephalus R. Hazlehurst ----- H
HAYGOOD Wm. s/o 14 November 1897 infant M B American ----- ----- 420 N Albany stillborn H.B. (R.H.J.) H.O. H
HAYS George 24 July 1891 1y 1m 15d M B American ----- single 223 N Bartow cholera infantum A.A. Rowland whooping cough complication H
HAYS Saml. 11 August 1896 7d M B American ----- single 323 N Bartow convulsions R.H. Johnson ----- H
HAYWOOD Sallie 30 March 1892 22y F B American ----- single 208 A st alley unknown none interred at Baileys Mills, Georgia H
HAYWOOD T.J. i/o 11 September 1901 9d F B American ----- ----- 1709 H st narcotic poisoning A. Christie ----- H
HAYWOOD Tom 30 September 1909 40y ----- C American ----- ----- hospital killed by accident G.W. Blanton killed at Light & Water Co. H
HAZELHURST Jacob 17 October 1907 72y M C American ----- ----- Sterling accident G.W. Blanton ----- H
HAZELHURST Johnnie 6 January 1899 1y 3m M B American ----- ----- 520 N Amherst bronchitis D. Johnson ----- H
HAZELHURST R. 23 June 1904 25y F C American ----- ----- 315 N Lee dropsy ----- ----- H
HAZELHURST Robert 9 April 1902 23y M C American Driver single 207 N Stonewall intestinal nephritis A. Christie ----- H
HAZLEHURST Annie  (Miss) 21 December 1892 38y F W American ----- single 8 Hanover Square acute intestinal obstruction H. Burford ----- H
HAZLEHURST Lula 6 June 1891 6m F B American ----- single 1516 London st enteritis R. Hazlehurst ----- H
HAZLEHURST Robt. Jr. 9 October 1900 2m 2d ----- B American ----- ----- 105 Stonewall pneumonia L.B. Davis ----- H
HAZLETON James 20 October 1896 12d M B American ----- single 575 S Albany convulsions none ----- H
HAZZARD R. 1 May 1903 28y F C American ----- ----- 622 Amherst consumption G.V. Cate ----- H
HAZZARD Tom d/o 27 July 1902 1d F C American ----- ----- ----- stillborn none ----- H
HEART Moses 8 October 1897 48y M B American Laborer married 1310 London tuberculosis W.C. Hatcher ----- H
HEATH Charlie 4 September 1893 5y M W American ----- single 828 N Albany remittent fever perniscious none Dr. R.E.L. Burford signed certificate H
HECTER William 26 June 1893 5y M B American ----- single 625 A st lane burn G.V. Cate ----- H
HEIDT I.F. 25 July 1891 45y M W American Machinist married 707 Monk softening of brain A.A. Rowland ----- H
HEIDT Robt. 2 September 1902 ----- M C American ----- ----- ----- stillborn none ----- H
HEIDT Robt. 12 November 1904 ----- ----- ----- American ----- ----- ----- stillborn ----- ----- H
HELGREN A. i/o 30 March 1891 ----- M W American ----- single 708 Bay st stillborn R.E.L. Burford ----- H
HELGREN Alex d/o  (Mrs.) 17 January 1897 17d F W American ----- ----- Bay st whooping cough A.C. Blain ----- H
HELSEY Wm. d/o 29 November 1894 8m F W American ----- ----- cor N Albany & F st? convulsions H. Burford after colitis H
HENDERSON Catherine 5 March 1899 28y F B American ----- ----- 228 A st consumption G.V. Cate ----- H
HENDERSON Chas. 28 April 1893 20y M B American ----- single 328 S Wolf pneumonia J.A. Butts ----- H
HENDERSON James 10 November 1893 4y 1m F B American ----- single Egmont & Gloucester yellow fever enteritis R. Hazlehurst ----- H
HENDERSON Margaret 27 August 1896 1y 6m F B American ----- single ----- malnutrition G.V. Cate ----- H
HENDERSON Walter d/o 12 August 1894 8m F B American ----- ----- 506 Reynolds st   G.V. Cate ----- H
HENDERSON Wm. 29 October 1892 45y M B American ----- married 210 N Amherst syphilis none ----- H
HENDRICKS Infant 15 May 1897 ----- F W American ----- ----- 828 D st deformity G.W. Rush ----- H
HENDRICKS J.M. 15 October 1893 44y M W American Policeman married 417 N Albany yellow fever J.P. Watt M. Hospital surgeon H
HENDRICKS Morgan 26 May 1907 6y F W American ----- ----- 120 S Amherst premature birth [hard to read may be something else] J.W. Symons ----- H
HENDRICKSEN Wm. 27 July 1892 39y M W American ----- single Bay st accidental drowning none ----- H
HENNEPIN L??? 4 October 1893 37y M W Irish Laborer single 204 Bay st yellow fever R.D Murray M. Hospital surgeon H
HENSON Amblin 10 December 1908 40y F W American Housewife ----- 1827 Union cancer of womb R.L. Fox ----- H
HERFEL Infant 28 October 1893 2m F W American none single 1211 F st ??? Typ. J.A. Butts ----- H
HERVEY? W.h. 9 May 1905 child ----- ----- American ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- H
HERZOG A.F.  (Mrs.) 8 July 1890 42y F W American Housekeeper widow 512 Carpenter gastritis I.N. Bishop ----- H
HICKMAN J.H. 8 November 1893 27y M W American Stevedore married 1602 Gloucester yellow fever J.A. Butts ----- H
HICKS B. 18 May 1897 1y 10m M B American ----- ----- 610 Gordon remittent fever G.V. Cate ----- H
HICKS Jerry 1 December 1898 ----- M B American ----- ----- 600 Johnson st old age none said to be 100 yrs old H
HICKS Phoebe 3 November 1897 59y F B American ----- married Wolf st enterocolitis H.W. Branham ----- H
HIGGINS Fred 3 January 1905 ----- ----- ----- American ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- H
HIGHSMITH ----- 22 February 1899 5m F B American ----- ----- 604 B st c bronchitis Christie ----- H
HIGHTOWER Isiam 17 November 1892 50y M B American ----- married 624 N Bartow st syphilis none ----- H
HILDRETH W.W. s/o 7 August 1890 4m M W American ----- ----- 1109 S Wolf meningitis O.W. Tucker ----- H
HILL Alex s/o 2 October 1899 ----- M W American ----- ----- Cleburne marasmus none ----- H
HILL Alex s/o 24 October 1899 8m M B American ----- ----- Cleburne marasmus none ----- H
HILL Algertha 27 July 1907 14y F C American ----- ----- 322 D st paralysis G.V. Cate ----- H
HILL Alice s/o 5 February 1897 ----- M B American ----- ----- 1104 F st stillborn H.M. Branham H.O.? H
HILL Alpha 30 August 1892 1y 2m 4d F B American ----- single 427 N Albany marasmus J.A. Butts ----- H
HILL Francis 11 July 1892 23y F B American ----- single Evansville phthisis pulmonales E.G. West ----- H
HILL Howard 6 June 1903 37y M C American ----- ----- M & B st scald & burn from boiler explosion at Andersons Mill   ----- H
HILL J.B. child 3 June 1900 2d ----- B American ----- ----- 308 N Lee lock jaw L.B. Davis ----- H
HILL Lou 23 July 1906 50y F C American ----- ----- 428 Norwich [illegible] heart G.W. Smith ----- H
HILL Rosae 1 August 1902 ----- F C American ----- married cor H & Gordon asthma & bronchitis A. Christie ----- H
HILL Ruby 6 July 1907 3y F C American ----- ----- N Amherst typhoid fever J.A. Butts ----- H
HILL T.D. 16 October 1897 ----- F W American ----- married ----- malarial fever Hugh Burford ----- H
HILLERY Anbas? 1 June 1907 21y M C American ----- ----- 1205 H st fever G.V. Cate ----- H
HILLIARD Peter 8 May 1891 42y M B American Laborer married 322 Oglethorpe phthisis pulmonales R. Hazlehurst ----- H
HILLS Missey 24 June 1890 4y 6m F B American ----- single 1306 H st mumps C.A. Blair ----- H
HILLS Robt. 22 October 1904 8d ----- ----- American ----- ----- ----- unknown ----- ----- H
HILLS Susie May 10 June 1896 3m 6d F B American ----- single N Wolf dysentery R.H. Johnson ----- H
HILSMAN Thos. 11 July 1896 3y M W American ----- single 718 Egmont tubercular meningitis H.M. Branham brought to city one week prior to death H
HILTON G.F. 16 March 1901 53y M W American Merchant married cor Mansfield & Albany valvular disease G.V. Cate ----- H
HINES Amos 28 November 1908 67y F W American Housewife ----- 1026 Bay st pneumonia Alfred Christie ----- H
HINES Emile 3 January 1898 46y M W American Jeweler married 1103 Albemarle phthisis pulmonales H. Burford ----- H
HINES Jai 3 November 1893 43y M Chinese China Waiter at restaurant single 206 Newcastle typhus malarial L.B. Davis ----- H
HIPPARD Oliver 15 April 1907 3m F C American ----- ----- cor Stonewall & H acute bronchitis G.W. Blanton ----- H
HIRSCHFIELD Ettie 14 October 1890 16y F W American ----- single 903 Monk dengue I.N. Bishop ----- H
HODGE Kate  (Mrs.) 15 April 1904 ----- ----- ----- American ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- H
HODGE M.H. 12 December 1908 45y M W American ----- ----- ----- drowned none no witnesses H
HOFFMAN C.F. 4 March 1897 67y M W American Clergyman married 31 W 72 New York disease of heart H.M. Trunk ----- H
HOFFMAN Charles 15 April 1897 50y M W German Phas?? Inspectate married 328 N Wolf natural cause T.A.H.? Jennings ----- H
HOGAN Dean 25 July 1906 8y F C American ----- ----- 704 Wolf unknown none ----- H
HOGAN Peter 18 March 1903 60y M W Ireland Sailor, Toliver? ----- City Hospital old age & infirmity J.A. Butts ----- H
HOJAN Morris 11 June 1891 30y M B American ----- single ----- accidental drowning ----- ----- H
HOLDEN Georgia E. 20 June 1903 30y F C American ----- ----- Boston, Mass. fibroid uterus laparotomy E.C. Davis health office H
HOLLADAY Jerry 7 July 1893 6m M B American ----- single 407 N Albany enterocolitis none ----- H
HOLLAND W.A. 3 February 1893 65y M W American ----- widow City Hospital hemiphligia H.M. Branham ----- H
HOLLAND Walter s/o 9 June 1892 9d M B American ----- single 603 N Johnson convulsions none ----- H
HOLLODAY Henry d/o 10 March 1902 4d F C American ----- single cor I & Albany unknown none ----- H
HOLLOMAN Wm. 20 December 1895 30y M B American Laborer single A st lane tubercle of lung none ----- H
HOLMAN Alberta 28 October 1893 22y F W American none single ----- yellow fever J.C. Legare? no [unreadable] H
HOLMES Alice 28 October 1907 56y M W American ----- ----- M st nephritis A. Christie ----- H
HOLMES Bertha 30 September 1909 ----- ----- C American ----- ----- 2116 Amherst tuberculosis Alfred Christie ----- H
HOLMES Charley 7 December 1907 36y M C American ----- ----- 813 Howard st dropsy none ----- H
HOLMES Clara 10 June 1909 stillborn ----- ----- American ----- ----- 1820 stillborn J.W. Buggs ----- H
HOLMES Jas.  (Mrs.) 17 October 1907 30y F W American ----- ----- South A?? chronic [illegible] A. Christie ----- H
HOLMES Julian 2 November 1890 8y M W American ----- single 617 Cleburn congestive fever J.A. Butts ----- H
HOLMES Lizzie 9 October 1890 1y 11m F B American ----- single 715 N Bartow pneumonia none traumatic H
HOLMES Millie 14 March 1898 33y F B American Watchman? single 606 Cleveland pneumonia L.B. Davis ----- H
HOLMES Ned 16 March 1897 50y M B American Laborer uncertain 619 S Stonewall heart failure W.H. Jennings ----- H
HOLMES R. d/o 16 April 1899 1d F B American ----- ----- 612 Amherst stillborn ----- ----- H
HOLMES Rosa i/o 23 February 1893 ----- M B American ----- single 1406 Monk st stillborn none ----- H
HOLMES Shadrack s/o 3 January 1891 10d M B American ----- single 312 S Albany trismus nascentium none ----- H
HOLMES Tabitha s/o 28 August 1895 ----- M B American ----- single 516 N Albany stillborn G.V. Cate ----- H
HOLT Delia 14 December 1904 22y F C American ----- ----- 604 Gordon consumption A. Christie ----- H
HOLT Della d/o 11 December 1900 2m F B American ----- ----- 212 Lee st unknown none ----- H
HOLT Evalyn 19 August 1900 1y -----   American ----- ----- Gloucester unknown none ----- H
HOLT J. d/o 4 February 1908 2y 5m F C American ----- ----- 327 Amherst no cause none ----- H
HOLZENDORF R. 15 September 1897 45y M W American Merchant married ----- eutero fever W.C. Hatcher ----- H
HOMAN E.T.  (Mrs.) 10 February 1908 68y F W American ----- ----- Albany st [illegible] J.A. Butts sent to C??? H
HOOD C.C d/o 23 October 1894 4d F B American ----- ----- 422 E st   none ----- H
HOOD R.N.  (Gen.) 1 February 1892 47y M W American ----- married Oglethorpe Hotel hemorrhagic purpura H. Burford deceased from Texas resided in B. 10 days H
HOOPER Lula 5 May 1890 1y 2m F B American ----- single Pelicanville diarrhea J.A. Butts ----- H
HOOPER Nancy 6 July 1892 9m F B American ----- single ----- enterocolitis none died at Pellicanville H
HOPE J.W.  (Mrs.) 25 August 1903 45y F W American ----- ----- J & Wolf [illegible] poison G.V. Cate ----- H
HOPE John 1 December 1908 1y M W American ----- ----- 2010 Johnson marasmus G.V. Cate ----- H
HOPE Richard 3 July 1896 30y M W American ----- single 803 Mansfield remittent fever H.M. Branham ----- H
HOPKINS Gertrude 25 April 1908 20y F C American ----- ----- G & Johnson tuberculosis G.V. Cate ----- H
HOPKINS Grant 4 October 1891 19y M B American ----- single 1510 London phthisis pulmonales L.B. Davis ----- H
HOPKINS Jackson 8 January 1896 50y M B American Laborer married 1510 London st consumption R.H. Johnson ----- H
HOPKINS Pauline 25 August 1907 8y F C American ----- ----- 107 S Amherst inflam. [illegible] J.W. Buggs ----- H
HOPKINS Wash? 8 December 1902 35y M C American ----- ----- 1011 Norwich malarial fever A.C. Blain ----- H
HOPPIE John 14 April 1893 31y M B American Laborer married 625 N Albany breumonitis H.M. Branham ----- H
HOPPS Martha 16 April 1896 46y F W American ----- widow City Hospital chronic malari H.M. Branham ----- H
HORALD Isaac d/o 19 October 1897 1m 21d F B American ----- ----- 620 S Amherst marasmus H.W. Branham H.O. H
HORMED Penny s/o 12 August 1897 1y M B American ----- single 407 N Johnson marasmus J.A. Butts ----- H
HORMES Bryant 17 July 1897 65y M B American Laborer married 516 S Albany consumption L.B. Davis ----- H
HORN Ben. twin s/o 12 October 1896 ----- M B American ----- single 111 S Cochran ave stillborn C.A. Blair twins H
HORN Lula d/o 10 June 1897 ----- F B American ----- ----- D st stillborn H.M. Branham H.J.? H
HORNE Lydia 22 August 1891 20y F B American ----- single 708 D st phthisis pulmonales R.E.L. Burford ----- H
HORNER Paul 19 March 1905 child ----- ----- American ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- H
HORTON Lula 21 October 1893 16y F B American none single 825 Oglethorpe yellow fever J.C. Legare? ----- H
HORTON Mrs. 23 July 1908 71y F W American ----- ----- ----- [illegible] I.N. Bishop ----- H
HORVISON R.L. d/o 5 November 1897 6d F W American ----- ----- 708 Gloucester ----- H.W. Branham ----- H
HORWELL Jane 29 May 1897 65y F W American ----- married 328 Union enteritis H.M. Branham ----- H
HOTCH J.C.  (Mrs.) 8 April 1892 45y F W Cuba ----- married 200 S Cochran ave carcinoma uteria H. Burford ----- H
HOTCH Jacob H. 5 August 1908 62y M W American Farmer ----- 1027 Albany gastritis & paralysis J.P. Harrell ----- H
HOUSTON Addie 4 December 1894 30y F B American Servant single 209 A st consumption J.A. Butts   H
HOUSTON C.P. 4 July 1908 44y M C American Barber married George & Lee consumption J.W. Buggs ----- H
HOUSTON Coney 16 August 1905 child ----- ----- American ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- H
HOUSTON David 31 January 1895 74y M W American ----- widow 126 B st typhoid fever R.E.L. Burford   H
HOWARD Dan 30 November 1899 ----- M B American ----- ----- N Albany unknown none ----- H
HOWARD Henry 8 June 1897 50y M B American Laborer ----- 211 N Amherst consumption H.M. Branham ----- H
HOWARD Infant 0 OOO 0 6m ----- ----- American ----- ----- 423 Cochran small pox J.A. Butts ----- H
HOWARD Lathan 29 June 1900 2m F B American ----- ----- 229 N Lee cholera infantum G.V. Cate ----- H
HOWARD Maria 10 December 1890 8m F B American ----- single 614 S Amherst diarrhea R. Hazlehurst ----- H
HOWE Ben 8 April 1895 ----- M B American ----- single 704 D st stillborn G.V. Cate   H
HOYT Mollie  (Mrs.) 9 June 1893 45y F W American ----- married 412 A st spinal congestion I.N. Bishop dysentery complication H
HOZENDOLPH J.H. 16 December 1906 56y M W American ----- ----- City Hospital genl. infirmity G.W.B. ----- H
HUBBARD Hogan 16 May 1894 8d F B American none single 1504 H st severe cold G.V. Cate ----- H
HUBBARD Nancy 1 September 1908 25y F C American ----- ----- 2200 [illegible] no cause none ----- H
HUDLEY Joe 27 May 1899 26y M B American ----- ----- N Albany traumatic tet? I.N. Bishop sent to Darien H
HUDSON D.H. 27 September 1909 ----- ----- C American ----- ----- 1709 Gordon stillborn none ----- H
HUDSON Erwin 25 March 1890 40y M B American Laborer single City Hospital anuerism aortic O.W. Tucker ----- H
HUDSON George 2 February 1890 45y M W England Carpenter married Gloucester typhoid dysentery O.W. Tucker Geo. Hodgson? H
HUDSON Mrs. d/o 16 April 1890 ----- F W American ----- single ----- stillborn R.E.L. Burford ----- H
HUDSON R.L. d/o 22 August 1891 9m F W American ----- single 204 Dartmouth cholera infantum O.W. Tucker ----- H
HUFF D. 12 December 1903 ----- ----- ----- American ----- ----- ----- found drowned ----- ----- H
HUFF Joseph 21 June 1897 6m M B American ----- ----- 626 Cleveland whooping cough H.M. Branham H.J.? H
HUFF L.D. s/o 1 April 1895 10d M B American ----- single cor L & Cleveland convulsions none   H
HUGES Henry 2 February 1909 stillborn ----- ----- American ----- ----- ----- ----- R.N. Jackson ----- H
HUGH Corned 6 July 1900 4m ----- B American ----- ----- 509 E st ----- Alfred Christie ----- H
HUGHES M.J. 27 December 1900 50y M W American ----- ----- City Hospital unknown none ----- H
HUMMINGS Wm. 15 November 1900 37y M B American ----- ----- 300 Block consumption none ----- H
HUNNECUTT John 15 October 1897 25y M W American Watchman married ----- congetions into heart failure J.A. Butts ----- H
HUNT Edward 23 February 1899 15y M B American ----- ----- 319 S Amherst congestion of brain L.B. Davis ----- H
HUNTER Laura 1 November 1892 17y F B American ----- single 509 S Stonewall consumption L.B. Davis ----- H
HUNTER York 23 July 1892 90y M B American ----- widow 706 N Johnson paralysis E.G. West ----- H
HUNTLEY ----- 19 September 1901 49y F W American ----- married Glynn ave billious fever L.B. Davis ----- H
HUTCHINS Eva 2 August 1908 3m M C American ----- ----- N Stonewall no cause none ----- H
HUTCHINS Harry 21 August 1891 9d M B American ----- single 313 S Amherst convulsions none ----- H
HUTCHINS Inf. 2 August 1908 3d M C American ----- ----- N Stonewall no cause no doctor ----- C
HUTCHINS Jere 22 May 1895 8d M B American ----- single N Albany convulsions none ----- H



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